Tuesday, April 02, 2002

The nocturnal life of cats and bread machines
Late at night, after everything's asleep (except maybe our downstairs neighbour's teenage daughters-but that's another story) our cats decide to prove to us that they are not merely fuzzy cushions that sleep, eat, shed and sit where they aren't allowed. They are also creatures of incredible speed, agility, and cunning. In their tiny kitty minds, they glide through the night, catching prey and maneouvering majestically through their domain. In my half-awake mind, they are streaking down the hallway at top speed, slipping on the wood floor, and running into doors. The call of the wild was strong last night, the result being that I was asleep in between frequent thumps.
The other thing keeping me up was the bread machine. We needed bread for sandwiches this morning, so Steve started it last night at around 8. The bread takes about four hours, so it would be ready at midnight. The problem is that it's not good to leave it in the machine for hours after it's baked, because condensation develops as the machine cools down and you end up with a soggy bottom. Someone (me) has to get up and take it out of the machine and put it on a cooling rack. As a result, I often wake up 30 minutes before the machine is finished and then stay awake and listen for the beep. I am a slave to technology and fluffy little warriors of the night. I am so tired.....

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