Thursday, May 02, 2002

Life under the big top
Step right up folks! Lots of idiocy and feats of amazing underring do going on.
Let's start with the dangerously confused milk truck of the Decarie service road. This truck will barge in front of you in traffic, cut you off without noticing (as you slam on your brakes), and then veer off and cross three lanes of traffic to get to an exit amidst much honking and braking. Next, we'll move on to the meeting that says nothing. This meeting will take place in a room with insufficient seating, forcing it's hapless members to stand for great lengths of time and stay awake while pie charts and quarterly figures are discussed. In the end, no real answers are provided. Finally, watch as a writer tries in vain to finish her projects, only to be thwarted by newer documents and installation changes.
Plenty of tickets available, come on in!

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