Monday, August 12, 2002

Monday, already?
The weekend was a whirlwind of activity. Friday night, Steve and I went downtown and checked out the new Les Ailes. Nice store, review to follow. I also bought new sandals (on sale!). Saturday we went up to the townies again, this time for a short visit. My folks decided that they're going to Cape Breton for a couple of weeks, so I had to bring back their video camera and lend them my film camera. We got home, tired and just vegged for the rest of the evening. Sunday we got up and cleaned and visited Maggie and Andrew and went shopping for food because we invited Guislaine over for supper. Dave came over for a visit, which was nice because I don't see him all that often and then Guislaine showed up and we hung out and yakked and then talked Dave into staying and had a fabulous roast that Steve made. After we had blueberry/raspberry icecream that I made earlier in the day and coffee and sat out on the deck talking more until we kicked the guests out at 11:30. I am a little tired this morning, but we had such a nice evening.

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