Friday, March 30, 2001

Well thank goodness! It's Friday and the blog is back up! This weekend can't come soon enough for me. Steve left this morning for Windsor, so I have the weekend to myself, I'll probably clean up the apartment and fiddle with the computer. The last I looked out a window, it was drab and pretty dreary out there. I keep hoping that spring will miraculously just appear. I got the official copy of my work review and I noticed a few comments that we did not discuss during the 2 hour meeting. Do you ever feel like you're just beating a dead horse? Now there's a hint that I may be going to the STC conference, ever feel like that dead horse has just handed you tickets for the next stagecoach to the STC conference?
That marriage thing
Steve and I met with the Unitarian chaplain who has agreed to hitch us at the Biosphere. She's very nice and seems genuinely excited about doing the gig. She had some lovely suggestions about the service. This is one less thing that we have to worry about.

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