So yes, it has been over a month since my last post. I haven't joined a support group for blogging, but it seems as though I have nothing worth blogging and my brain feels mushy and kinda dumb most of the time. Spring is treating us to a few beautiful days surrounded by rainy cold ones. Last week, Ben came down with that gastro-fever thing. It began with a voluminous puke in the car just as we were getting on the expressway for a trip to the mall. We rushed home and there he stayed being very sad and sick and cuddly until Wednesday, but he wasn't truly rested and better until Sunday. Steve got it Thursday and Friday - ugh! Naomi and I seem to have come away without it, hopefully she has inherited my resistance to tummy bugs.
So, what with that and my constant state of distractedness (I just walked away, cleaned up the kitchen, put a load of wash in the dryer, another in the washer, brushed my teeth, and went through my closet and drawers and packed up all my maternity clothes), I seem to have very little time to blog (no, I'm not kidding, I just did that). The baby is having a very unusual thing called a nap, so I go a little crazy and attempt to clean things when she's not attached to my body.
Now, on to my exciting news. For months I have been anxiously awaiting the release of the
Canon S3is, and the camera stored called and it's in and they have one set aside for me! Yippee! I will probably give in and go down today when the baby wakes up. Be prepared for many more boringly cute pics of my children on Flickr like this:

and this:

and this:

and this: