It's been a nutty week, full of work problems and personal crap. At the end of the day, there was a big problem to deal with, but I think it will be resolved one way or the other by Monday. Last night I was a few metro stops from the hotel when I started to feel sick. By the time I got to the hotel, all I could think about was lying down in bed, which I did. Then, I ran to the bathroom and emptied the entire contents of my stomach. I have no idea what happened, fatigue, tummy bug, heat, but once everything was out I felt better and I stayed in for the rest of the evening and slept and watched tv. I'm not sure how I will handle food today, I had a couple crackers last night and that was fine. I decided to forgo the morning run just in case, I need a rest day anyway. I starting to recognize a few people running in the morning, only one of them smiles though. It's so peaceful to run along the water so early in the morning. I often see little brown bunnies, and lots of ducks and swans.
I have work to do this weekend, and I'm supposed to help Jess and Geert move today, their friends bailed on them and they don't know a lot of people yet. I'm happy to help as long as I'm not puking.
Steve is ignoring that I am not happy and treating me like there's nothing wrong. I want to hear about the kids and get videos because I miss them. There's nothing I can do at this point, the damage has been done. I'll have to resolve this when I get back home.
Until then, work, running, and more beautiful Stockholm....
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