Thursday, February 22, 2001

We had our XML thing in Calgary last week and it was great. We may get a few more workshops now on structured writing, information modules and mapping, etc. too now. You may want to look up Robin Etherington in the STC membership guide - she was the speaker and talked about implementing an XML environment at Nortel in Calgary - and ask her about it. They're using Arbortext's Epic Editor, which she calls the cadillac of xml editor tools. Apparently (Toronto's?) XMetal, by SoftQuad is also good, especially for smaller companies and contractors (I'm paraphrasing most of her comments here). I think some of these tools allow for demos. As is i4i's xml editor, but it works with MS Word, which lately I have despised more than ever. WebWorks's XML capability seems kind of wierd...we're looking into now here ... it's not really an xml editor tool though. If you're looking for the tech writer point of view on XML, there's a kajillion websites out there...try this link:
Basically, Robin's point about xml as far as tech writers are concerned, was that as tech writers, we'd need to know about how to tag content...but before you even do that, you'd need to make sure that your content is written and structured in such a way that you can create the right tags and style sheets (DTDs) (e.g., task based, modular writing, organization). (People who create these style sheets, by the way, are called information architects...didn't know that...).
XML's capability is that it's a language that describes and allows you to manage content, rather than regular dktp tools that identify the presentation (formatting) of content. Yes, programmers would be working right in the nuts and bolts of the language to create applications, etc., e.g., they use xml code to identify their code.
But there's just as much room to use that language to manage information. Says Robin, the reason tech writers would want to know about it, would be for writing and organizing information in such a way that it could be delivered using a variety of media, e.g., web, paper manual, palm pilot, etc. without having to write the same information a billion times. Her argument is that if used correctly, you're on your way to really single sourcing your information.
What this also means though is that you'd have to have your content stored in a way that makes sense and using servers that are powerful enough to handle the incoming/outcoming traffic of information. So fully understand the impact of xml on the working environment, tech writers would need to know about more than just xml editors. On the other hand, she also says this means that tech writers should get in earlier on the creation of information in a company, instead of just being handed a spec (HA! as if they exist anyway!) two weeks before delivery to write a manual. They should be right there in program design.
The reason it's so popular is the web and e-commerce and the ability of the general public to access all kinds of information. But, they don't want tons at once, they want bits and pieces, otherwise, it would be overwhelming, and usually they want task-based information: how do I install this, how do I do this, etc. Hence the need to write concise information that doesn't require you to scroll forever.
And, according to Robin, hence the need for writing task-based information and hence the "conceptual framework" of information that is no longer an 8.5x11 sheet of paper, but rather a "module" of information that fits in a screen. MUCH room for debate! (e.g., some tech writers here wondered about the loss of presenting overall, big picture information of things...) But, that's the deal in a convoluted nutshell before I've had my tea this a.m.... Anyway, I wrote about her presentation for our March newsletter. We usually PDF it and put it on our website . On the other hand, you're probably better off with those websites than my ramblings...
And then there's companies that manage information: e.g.,, or that also manage's never ending, really...

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