Yeah, I know the title sounds too self-help Oprah-esque...
- Finally seeing the end of this damn cold! It has caused more problems than it was worth and now I have a mountain of work and things to catch up on and not a single run in more than a week!
- Short week because of the holiday!
- Ben's last day of school today!
- Naomi had her daycare graduation ceremony and she did great! She wore her flower girl dress and was the prettiest thing in the whole entire world.
- My girlfriends who always bring laughter, honesty, and a good dose of perspective to any situation.
- The two steps forward, three steps back dance of a very beautiful and frustratingly timid bird. It can be maddening to wait with your hand outstretched with breadcrumbs watching the war between wanting the offering and fearing the hand, but patience seems to be the only solution that will make both parties happy. So, we wait.
- Cereal. I ate a lot of it this week when I was too sick and tired to cook.
- The lady behind the counter at the tea store who gave me a free tea because it was my birthday last week.
Oprah moment over! I must find a better title for this - suggestions?
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