Tuesday, June 30, 2009

very superstitious

Work is a blur - a lot going on and now that vacations are starting, things are getting more complicated. I had a great meeting with the project we just completed and they are very happy with our work.
But enough of that! I am eating a green salad with leftover grilled chicken, tomatoes, and avocado with my own special vinaigrette (meaning, I use very little oil and enough different types of vinegar to choke a horse - I really love vinegar), and getting ready to head downtown where I am meeting up with some girlfriends to either:
a) Go and check out the free Stevie Wonder concert (hooray Jazz Fest!)
b) If it starts to downpour (thunderstorms predicted), go and see Food Inc.
I'm personally hoping for Stevie Wonder. I'm not a big fan, and the crowds are insane and make me crazy, but it's fun to do it sometimes and the energy at the Jazz Fest is outta this world.

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