Monday, June 01, 2009

Victory against the government agencies and utilities and a salad!

It was not a productive work day, but it was a good day to conquer hold lines and waiting lines for personal stuff.
I battled the Hydro Quebec phone lines and despite not having all the obscure info they asked for, I managed to come out victorious. When I have tons to do, I seem to be able organize myself with military precision. I only had a few tasks today, and after the marathon rush of the last month, I found myself wasting most of the day talking and surfing the Internet for appliances. I left work and went to the SAAQ to get the picture for my driver's license and medicare card. I went in and took a number - 633. They were at 528.....miraculously, an hour later I was smiling for my typical crappy picture (I had wild hair today). I think that they design special cameras and fix the lighting so that no one can possibly look good. Claudia Schiffer would look like a yeti under these conditions, what chance do us severely normal people have? Hamburgers were on teh menu tonight which I was completely uninvolved in besides stopping by the store to get the ground beef. I did make a nice salad with grapefruit, and my special vinaigrette. No pictures tonight, it disappeared too fast.

Tomorrow is mediation day - everybody say yeah!

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