Monday, March 12, 2001

Mothers Who Think Sinks!
Caroline, MWT on Salon was "upgraded" and merged into this formless, themeless new LifeStyle section given the strikingly original title, Life. I still mourn the passing of MWT which managed in spite of its title to have far more general appeal, great personal essays and brilliant writing than its current incarnation. I'm really disappointed at the turn Salon has taken in the past 3 months. I used to go every day and find several interesting things; now I scan quickly each day to find nothing really of interest and mostly boring politics. I know magazines tend to go through cycles where they get great writers and hook me for a while, then lose their budgets maybe (?) and my readership as a result for a couple of years before they pick up again. Harper's is an excellent example. Is it budget, editorship or just plain luck? I haven't figured it out, but it's sad to see Salon waning...

As for fav women writers and screenwriters, I'll have to think about that. Other than Tiger & Dragon and Princess Mononoke, I haven't seen any interesting women characters or screenwriting in a movie recently. Has anyone else?

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