Thursday, September 13, 2001

Is everyone traumatised by this? I was watching, live, as the second plane crashed into the WTC, and when everything else happened as well. I feel as though everything has changed. It's all my husband and I can talk about, it seems. I feel that today, Thursday, the general mood is lifting. I work in media, so it is all that we are working on, but I feel as though people are trying to look forward now.

My friend here just found out five minutes ago that her cousin, who was in the WTC, is okay! I can't believe it. Someone called her mother on Tues. because he had found her purse. Then they heard from someone else that she had been seen on a stretcher. Now she just got an e-mail from the cousin's brother that she is okay. What are the chances of coming out of something like that?

It all makes me so sad. All those medical people were on alert and everyone was giving blood, but they're not needed. Practically everyone is dead. It's just unbelievable. I still can't believe that what we saw was real.

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