Friday, May 18, 2001

A cool and froody man
Reading about Douglas Adams brings back some happy memories. I had some good laughs, thanks to his books and with every passing year, and with the ever-increasing craziness and nuttiness of life in North America, I appreciate his sense of humour even more. Laughing is better than hiding under a bush in the woods, anyway. Healthier, etc. I was going to write something else actually, but I totally forgot what it was. Anyway, I enjoyed your description, Kathy, of his talk to the STC Conference. Something about that reminds me of the "What, Me Dead?" cover that Time Magazine did for Alfred E. Neuman whan he died. Priceless. That was it: your comment: /The same thing can be said when we sit down and document a piece of software, things get in the way of trying to communicate, like a terrible interface, a programmer who barely understands any language you know how to speak, or just plain fuzzy thinking. Adams had plenty to say about that as well and naturally it was funny/. Oh, yeah.
Cheers, all.

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