Monday, April 07, 2003

Ok, so the snow wasn't as bad as we all thought, but it's still all over the ground which means I still have to wear boots. Yesterday was beautiful and sunny. I was going to stay in all day, but a friend threw out his back, so I found myself driving downtown with extra pillows and blankets so he could sleep on the floor. I should explain that my husband is the reincarnation of Florence Nightingale. He called from a cafe where he was gaming to say that our friend had just called and was lying on the floor of his apartment, unable to move. The ambulance technicians said that it was severe spasms, and going to the hospital would just be time-consuming and uncomfortable, so Steve stayed with him all day, kept him company, got him drugs and lunch, and then moved his tv and stuff so the poor guy would have something to do. Did I mention that he also brought him breakfast this morning and is going to bring him dinner tonight on his way home? All I did was bring supplies, visit and get him an ice pack and cookies. I also bought him some smokes at a magazine shop, and bought myself a pregnancy magazine. If you ever want to get a nasty look from a cashier, just take those two items up to the cash...

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