Monday, January 14, 2002

We have shelves!
We got a lot accomplished this weekend. We went out to Reno Depot and found 9 foot lengths of maple laminate shelving for $8 each and bought some brackets. Then, we came home and put them up, they look amazing! Sunday, I put up other shelves that we already owned while Steve organized some stuff and then we put up books. We managed to get about half of the books that we own into the tv room, not bad at all considering how many we have. The rest will have to wait until we have another room done, probably my office. We will be putting up shelves in the livingroom as well. The tv room now looks lived in, kind of homey with all the books up. Friday night we saw Monsters Inc., what a great movie! The animated little girl was cuter than anything. We've been wanting to see it for awhile. I didn't hear from you-know-who on Friday, arghh! It would have been nice to start work this week. Oh well, perhaps this week I will have better news. There's still an awful lot to get done at the apartment and many puzzles left to solve in Myst III. I'm still stuck on one of the ages.

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