Tuesday, February 25, 2003

More baby stuff
I finally found pants at another chain store that just opened last October out on the west island. Let me tell you, maternity pants are wonderfully comfortable! I'm not sure why other pants exist. We're going to Gibby's this week for Steve's actual b-day, and I'm eating large! I also found a bunch of cute tops that will be very nice this summer.
I don't really feel much different than usual. People keep asking and all I can say is that I don't feel pregnant, whatever that's supposed to feel like. I have developed a nasty pain in my tailbone, which isn't uncommon, and every so often I have a sharp pain in my stomach area or breasts, but I assume that it's due to things stretching out. According to my books, the baby's about 16cm long and weighs 5 ounces. I'm on week 17.
It's hard to believe that there's something in there that's already capable of sucking its thumb and I don't realise it's there most of the time. I should be able to feel it moving soon, which is kind of exciting. Sometimes when I'm awake in the middle of the night, I think that I may be able to feel something, but it's probably just gas. Pretty soon it will will moving all the time and kicking me in the bladder, so I should enjoy being blissfully unaware of the little person while I can.
Steve's not budging on Lily for a girl's name, I don't know why he doesn't like it. I suggested Ella, which he does like, so that's what we're going with right now, until one of us get tired of the name. Perhaps if we have a girl and name her Ella she will get an awesome set of pipes unlike either of her parents.

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