Wednesday, March 12, 2003

When you don't gotta go...
I took one of the cats in to the vet last night because he was having some "accidents" over the weekend, which has never happened before. You can't be too careful when it comes to male cats and their urinary tracts. The vet needed to take a urine sample, but darned if the cat didn't go before we left the house, so I brought him back in this morning. At the vet's request, we fed him and then put him into the carrier until I left for the vet. This was supposed to hopefully force him to cross his legs so to speak until we got there, at which point he should have been quite eager to oblige. He bawled the entire time he was in the carrier, spilled the tiny bowl of water that I put in there with him, and basically did the equivalent of the metal-cup-on-the-bars routine until I got him to the vet. I just called to find out how he was doing and he hasn't peed yet! Other than that, he's just fine and dandy. Could he be like those people who can only pee in their own homes?

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