Thursday, June 13, 2002

All A-twitter
My brother-in-law gave me Bridget Jones' Diary on DVD for my birthday. This is fast becoming one of my favorite movies. I rented it after that painful visit to the dentist and watched it three times over the next five days. Now that I have my own copy, I'm sure that it will be on often. Steve asked me why I like it so much, to which I replied, "Colin Firth and Hugh Grant".
This is a true chick-flick with a plot taken from one of the original chick novelists. Austin knew what people wanted to read. Remove the manners and pomp, and you have the basic sexy bad man and noble good man scenario that puts a twitter in the heart of a woman. Realise that underneath the noble good man exterior lurks the desires of the sexy bad man, and the twitter moves elsewhere. I don't know what all women want, but I for one can't get enough of the final scene when Mr. Darcy kisses Bridget Jones:
BJ: "Nice men don't kiss like that"
MD: "Yes, they fucking do".
sigh....hold on while I listen to that again.
"Yes, they fucking do".
Anyone else have a movie scene that makes them twitter?

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