Friday, August 16, 2002

Tomatoes by the bucketful
August is my favourite time of the summer. Each year I come back from my holidays to an overgrown, tangled garden weighed down by scores of tomatoes in every size and shade of yellow, red and orange. Sliced, sauteed, stuffed, in salads, in pies, or just plain popped in your mouth, we have them every way imaginable until the crew simply can't bear to look at another tomato. I'm running out of ideas on how to serve them up as those cherry tomatoes keep on coming...

I just love going to a farmer's stand and getting fresh corn, cuc's, peppers, green beans, yellow zucchini and anything else I can find fresh in these few brief weeks of food heaven. Then the mealy, rubbery hydroponic veggies come slowly trickling back for the winter. So enjoy the feast while it lasts!

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