It is now the night before Christmas. The sofa arrived first thing this morning, the kids were watching cartoons and we were in our jammies when the men delivered, unwrapped, and attached the legs, leaving a nice place to sit and slushy mud on the floor. The children had it disassembled into cushions on the floor and were hanging off it at funny angles within 20 minutes - how and why kids do this I have NO idea. I had a chance to sit on it for about 15 minutes and it seems just fine. The rest of my day was spent tidying and prepping salads and such. The folks arrived and by the time they got upstairs already seemed like they'd run a marathon. Coffee was prepared, sandwiches were made. The kids were out of their heads with excitement. They wanted to show Grandma and Poppy everything! My mom helped the kids make little graham cracker houses and decorate them. The kids decided to have a storytelling session in Ben's room with a lantern. They took turns making up stories, combinations of super heroes, spongebob, princesses, and curiously, Peter and the Wolf. After supper there were baths and then Merry Christmas Charlie Brown, my all-time favorite. My folks stayed up for a while, but now they've gone to bed and I have the livingroom to myself, enjoying the Vince Guaraldi on the stereo, the nightcap, the pretty lights on the tree, and sneaking some of Santa's cookies.
I have lots more to say about the year, and I will, but right now let me just say to the three people who read this with any regularity, Merry Christmas. I hope that you are enjoying the spirit of the holiday, taking the time to smile and laugh with a neighbour, share some food with friends, hug your family, love this incredible life and hold it close. This moment, sitting here, taking in the scene, complete with messy house, is still so sweet. I have everything I need.
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