The day is over! It started for me at about 3am when my daughter woke up and came looking for me, banging her head into my bedroom door, closed because her grandparents were sleeping there. She crawled on to the sofa with me, a tight space to say the least, and cuddled into me as I held onto her to keep her from falling off, and she fell back to sleep. I slept fitfully after that of course, but my arm fell asleep, so part of me was well rested at least. Did I mention that she's getting sick and is coughing and a little ball of phlegm? Yup, lucky me......
My son woke up at 7 and ran out to inspect the scene, then ran in to tell the grandfolks. After that we were all up, children were excited, Ben was a bit unimpressed that Santa did not finish all the cookies. Coffee was made, then we all sat around and Ben did an excellent job of handing out gifts. Transformers, princesses, ponies, puzzles, games, clothes, and books were opened and appreciated. I got my winter car mats, although they will have to sit in the stairwell until my car returns from the shop. It was a great morning. After, we walked over singing Christmas songs to Steve's place where he had prepared a brunch and there were more presents from Santa. I left the kids and the folks there for a couple of hours and came home, got changed, and went for a glorious run. My running schedule has been sporadic lately and today was mild and the roads were fairly clear. I got home and put the squash in the oven and sat on the sofa with a novel and a blanket and enjoyed some me time. Then came the clean up, and the dinner prep. The family returned, dinner was completed and served, the kids did not try most of the food on the table, but did very well with dessert. We watched the Grinch, then everyone went to bed, including my folks. I'm about to collapse too. Let's hope there are no nighttime wanderings tonight.
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