Wednesday, June 27, 2001

There's always a lot of things to be discovered about a new apartment. We didn't realise that the floors sloped quite so much before the place was empty or that there's a plywood floor in the little entrance to the front balcony. Last night, we discovered that the cable is still hooked up. This weekend I discovered that the cold water tap for the bathroom sink doesn't stop turning. You turn it counter-clockwise to turn on the water, and if you turn it too far clockwise when you're finished, the water starts up again. There's a no-water spot somewhere in the middle. We decided to set up our bedroom in the room that the tenants were using for their oldest boy. Monday night, absolutely beat and mentally overwhelmed, we got into bed and turned off the lights. I look directly ahead and see a jackolantern glowing on the wall. The kids must have had those florescent crayons and were allowed to draw on the walls (why not? their parents did). In addition to the jackolantern, there's also a heart and a few squiggles yet to be identified.
Last night I went over to the old place and vac'd and mopped and tried to get the leftover stuff together. The girls taking the place came over and I gave them a set of keys and told them that I'd have everything out of there by the end of the week. They're not moving until July 14, so they have lots of time. Steve BBQ'd some hamburgers and we watched a bit of stolen cable tv before we went back to my old place and took garbage down and took the stereo and the food that was in the fridge. Tonight I will take more stuff out of the old place (not much left) and try to make a dent in my office that's full of boxes.

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