Wednesday, March 13, 2002

I picked up three rolls of pictures last night. These rolls of film have been sitting around for about 6 months. We found them when we were cleaning up the diningroom last month. I thought that one of them was lost for good. I remembered taking certain pictures, but they never showed up in the stuff that we had developed. It's neat to get pictures back. I never know what the heck was on the rolls, and then I'm generally a bit surprised that I would waste my film on so many pictures of the cats. This time they're pictures leftover from the wedding, Robert's second b-day, and the fireman charity strip extravaganza, hardly a single dull picture in the bunch! I promise that I will get around to posting the fireman photos soon........
I made peanutbutter cookies last night and brought the majority in to work today. Steve came home and told me that our friend Dave got layed off. It's a drag, but he didn't really enjoy his job anymore and I'm sure that he'll find something else soon. So many people getting layed off, it makes me wonder where people are getting the money to spend on huge houses and big cars. I drive through Hampstead on my way to work, and you would not believe how many houses are up for sale and sold on the next day-these are $500,000+ homes! Who's still making lots of money and is sure enough about their job to risk those kind of mortgage payments? I guess I'm bad for the economy.....

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