Thursday, July 12, 2001

Ack! I'm not ready!
I tried to listen to calls again yesterday, so far I have not heard one opening call! I told this to the supervisor who wanted to start me on the phones (supervised, of course) this morning. I'm hoping to listen to a few calls this morning so I can try a few this afternoon. Maybe I'll qualify someone who turns into a sale and get a tiny commission. It's almost Friday! This week has just flown by. I'm hoping to get some cleaning done tonight and this weekend I may go looking for a few plants at Atwater or Reno Depot. I've also had a hankering for my bulgar-lentil salad, so perhaps I will get some bulgarian feta at my cheese shop as well....... Of course I haven't done anything with the invitations yet either, sigh, time's a wasting!

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