Friday, May 03, 2002

If you are very brave, take a look out the window...but you must be very brave....

It is 8:50 a.m. Friday, May 3, 2002. I gaze out the window and behold, I wonder did I fastforward through summer and if so, what did I miss and do I have to get my Christmas shopping done? Is it a dream? No, it really is snow! Again!!!! Yikes, double yikes! !!

Now, how many of you succumbed and started to plant your gardens? Don't all raise your hands at once now! (Seriously, there were people on my street who started to get going with their gardens last Saturday.)

Never fear, it is supposed to be gorgeous tomorrow. So here's my advice, ignore today, just get done what you need to get done and tomorrow, magically all of this will go away and you will have a glorious spring weekend to enjoy....But do yourselves a favour, don't plant your gardens yet (not until Victoria Day) and don't pull out your white shoes and purses until then either ; - )!

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