Thursday, May 30, 2002

Toothless McGee, part two
My dentist saw me yesterday (which is nice considering he's kind of retired and only works on Thursdays) and after much novocaine and horrible yanking, he managed to extract the tooth. He was as gentle as he could have been, but the tooth just didn't want to leave without a fight. By the time it was out, I was sweating profusely and shaking like a leaf. Then the fun part of the dentist, we take apart the tooth and see what happened. I find this fascinating, and since I seem to be his only patient who enjoys this forensic portion of the visit, he looks forward to pulling stuff out of my mouth. He has had many occasions to do this. We sawed the tooth in half using his dental tools (it's basically a dremel) and he showed me the tiny split in the root that was allowing bacteria to come in and cause me all that pain. It was also neat to see the root canal. I stopped by the pharmacy for Boost and the video store for some movies, then went home, took some codeine, drank the Boost and watched movies on the couch with pillows and a blanket until I fell into a pain-free sleep. Today I am still sore and my face is swollen, but it's nothing compared to before and it will go away in a couple of days.

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