Friday, July 17, 2009

Happy birthday Ben

My son, you are 6! When did 6 years pop up and happen? You have been wonderful and giving from the start. You arrived early so that you didn't have to be delivered by the obstetrician that mommy couldn't stand, you were so charming that the nurses held you all night long that first night, they couldn't bear to put you down. Even your delivery was calm and trouble free.
As you have grown, you have developed into your own person, but the kindness of your soul has remained constant, drawing people to you, encouraging them to take the light and sweetness that you exude and share it with others. People respond to your beautiful heart and they want to be around you, I've seen you melt the hardest heart, and make even the toughest exteriors crumble with your smile. You are a truly remarkable person, and I cannot wait to see what this year will bring for you. You have given me more than you know and I'm so happy that you are part of my life, that I am your momma.
A thousand hugs and kisses,

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