Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Sitting at my desk enjoying some carrot-ginger soup and homemade whole wheat bread and butter....nummmm.
I have the kids until Friday. We opened up the tinkertoy box last night. Do you remember tinkertoys? Well, the new sets have the wooden sticks and round whats-its with all the holes, they also have plastic curved joiners and all kinds of new parts and I have no clue what to do with them. Ben made some amazing robots, Naomi made a hammer (my genetics are showing - can you tell she's my girl?) and then made buildings, well, she said they were buildings anyway. I tried to follow their imaginations and not direct - what they were coming up with was way more interesting than anything I was thinking about anyway. I ended up staying up way too late trying to finish some work, but the sleeping was divine when my eyes finally decided they couldn't focus and I passed out. Another excellent morning cuddle and then some playtime, some breakfast, and then out the door. I forgot my cell phone at home, but I remembered all the kid stuff. I am a bit lost without my phone, I wasn't driving home to get it either.
Irene's coming over tonight for a visit and some wine and to bring me her old camera - I'm buying her 20D and a nice general lens. I've been wanting to get a DSLR for years, and when she told me she was putting her old one up for sale I couldn't resist, it's an excellent starter camera. Let's see if my photography improves.....I tend to think it won't, but at least the images may be better quality.
I'm also getting geared up for Ben's birthday party this Saturday. There will be much cake baking Friday night. I'm doing something with Transformers, but it will be my usual lame making two big yellow cakes (from scratch!) and then sticking action figures all over. Still better than something store bought I think...

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