Friday, August 03, 2001

Friday!!!Ok, I think that I finally figured out how the font sizes work. It's not hard when you figure it out.
I talked to Caroline last night and we chatted about the wedding stuff and life in general. She seems very relaxed and prepared.

Doh! Good calls Kathy! The cake is covered by the caterer and I suppose I will have to get something small for Steve. Photography is just not in our budget, so we'll have to rely on people bringing their cameras.
I'm looking forward to getting back to normal next week and hoping to get some cleaning and stuff done on the weekend. Anyone who feels the need to vacuum can come right over.

Big deal on the Gazette We were thinking about getting a Gazette subscription for the weekends, but we were waiting for them to call us and offer a deal. Last night, someone called and offered us the Gazette everyday for $5 per month for 12 months. What a deal! I took it of course, I think that it's $200 off the regular yearly rate. Wheee! Not like it's a great paper, but that's a lot of paper for $5 per month. Perhaps I'll try my hand at papier mache furniture.......

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