Wednesday, August 15, 2001

I Do or Do Me? How about MYOB?
Hi all! That sounds like quite an experience you had at that intersection, Kathy. I'd have been badly shaken myself after that. I've had some scary experiences following vehicles seemingly driven by someone who was drunk, only to pass them asap and see them yakking on the phone, completely oblivious to what's going on around them on the road. All the more reason to ban cell phones while people are driving...

Quick change of topic: there are two interesting articles on Salon today about feminist camps and their take on weddings. I particularly liked the second article by Jennifer Foote Sweeney, editor of Salon's Life section. Basically, she just argues for respecting other women's right to choose whatever they damn well please for themselves, without passing judgment on who's a real feminist or who's setting back the cause of women because they opt for a traditional arrangement like marriage. Makes perfect sense to me. As she so eloquently argues, there are enough pressing issues (poverty and workplace equality, to start with) for women to fight for without worrying about trivial things like weddings or makeup. And here I thought feminism was about freedom of choice...

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