Thursday, June 04, 2009

meetings and 'sparagus

Finally a couple of nice bright days in a row! This non-stop meeting morning was not as bad as I thought it would be, but I was starved by the time noon came around. Had lunch with Maggie at our Indian place, ah I have missed their food and their chai tea! Some more work, and then picked up Ben and brought him home for ABA and then Naomi, grocery store, then to the kitchen!
Tonight it was bow tie pasta with asparagus, ricotta, spinach, arugula, and parmesan - delicious and fast.
I'm taking the day off work tomorrow (well, trying to anyway), finally taking the car in to the garage, and getting more things organized.
I packed a box last night! I'm not packing too much at once because I want to take things over and unpack them so I know when to stop bringing things over and start chucking, selling, or storing. I need to let go of a lot of stuff that's just not important, or needed, or used.

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