Tuesday, June 23, 2009

That radish salad turned out really well! I got out the old Benriner and sliced them up thin and soaked them in salted water for 15 minutes and then tossed them with lime juice and some pepper and then I left them in the fridge overnight and when I opened the fridge they were a lovely pinky shade.

I also did more granola last night. It was nice waking up to this for breakfast.
Today was Ben's first official day of no school, so I went over to pick him up after breakfast and brought him back to my place where he amused himself while I got some work done and then we went out for errands. One of my errands was to get some strawberries, but the selection was appalling, so I got blueberries instead. Ben went to therapy and I did some more work and then dug out the ice cream machine! It was still soupy after supper, but Ben liked it. Naomi was rather fussy and wasn't that interested.

I really have to start running regularly again. Since I got back to Canada my routine has been lax and I know that I have to start all over again to build up the lungs I've lost. Time has been a definite factor - between the move and work I haven't had anything left. Time to get back on the road!

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